Well first of all if you don’t know where Tonga is. It is a small island in the pacific ocean.
On Christmas my family and I went to Tonga to visit my grandparents and my cousins. When the plane landed in Tonga I was exited to be there. My uncle picked us up from the airport. We went to my grandparents house it is a small house in a village in Tonga called Houma. When we arrived at my grandparents house it was already dark and we went in side to surprise my grandparents and my cousins. When we did we had lollies so we gave them out to the family.
The next day we had a feast, we had all sorts of food such as taro, ofi, manioke (kasava) but the best part was eating the pig. When the feast was over the family played volley,rugby and dogeball, we all played until it was dark. My mum said it was time to go to bed then we went inside and a all went to bed.
When we left Tonga it was so sad that we had to leave the nice island. I hope to get another chance to go back to Tonga.
And that was my trip to TONGA!!!!
Wow! Samson i guess you really enjoyed Tonga
From Unaloto
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