
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

“When Is The Right time to swear?”

The right time to swear is never just as long as you don’t say it in public. Our class has been reading two articles about a town just out of Boston which have voted that if you swear in public you would get a 20$ fine, they voted for this to be approved in a town meeting.

Sometimes when your angry it's hard to hold back the swearing. I think that there is no reason to swear because it is a profanity. In some contries they have banned swearing in public, just like boston.

Swearing in public is bad because when there are little kids around you they might copy you.People swear because they get angry of they are just stressed

Thanks to Athena for helping me with my work.

Humans On Mars By 2023

A new space venture out of the netherlands planned to put four humans on Mars by the year of 2023.The plan is complex and it involves companies from around the world,the companies will come together and help with the right supplies for the colony such as life support.

Mars one is the company that claims that humans will be on mars by the year 2023.The four humans will work and live on mars.Time by time Mars one will be putting humans on Mars by 2023.

Thanks to Stevie for Reading my work.